Thursday, November 17, 2005

Peek!!! Life of an IT engineer in Bangalore

If you gonna expect an exciting day in the life of a hi-profile IT engineer in Bangalore, you are mistaken. Coz this post cannot go into such details, as the author has not experienced any of the prolific lifestyle, though herself being a software engineer in the so called Silicon City of India.

The minute you wake up, before you even have the customary bed tea, a style borrowed from the West, one begins dreading the hours one may have to spend commuting to the IT world. Yes, the world famous Hosur Road which is known more for it's traffic jams than it's bridge to the electronic world of information technology- The Electronic City which houses some of the biggest names of the industry.

As a first timer( read fresher) begins the journey into the unknown, you are not only oblivious of the amount of time it may take you to reach your destination but also of the ardous journey that lies ahead. With bumps and sleeping comrades, the bus crawls past similar looking boxes on wheels around. You look around you only to find the same faces staring back at you as if you were looking in a mirror which projects expressions. The only consolation you may have are the plugs in your ears which croons Basanti and Darius' voices as if they were some distants Gods warning you of the impending disasters ahead through Jam Busters.

But slowly, after lots of shakes and pauses, you begin to see greenery which is an indication that you are closing onto civilization, when you are given a final jolt. A long snake like queue of wheels at the entrance of EC. But by then, you feel I've gone through so much, a little more won't do any harm. So all you do is make faces and stupid expressions and keep shifting in your seats as your back hurts like hell.

Then it's YAHOO!!!! I've made it. I've reached into the IT dungeon and what more in one piece. Broken but not bent. You trudge along to your seats, your new boxes, though these ones thankfully not on wheels.

As the day ends, you now have to go through all of it again, but now in the reverse direction to get to the comforts of your home. But all the best!!! We'll make it one day.

Some day the Guiness Book of World Records may enter our name in it's books for reaching the Electronics City traversing through Hosur Road without a single traffic jam, in say 10 minutes. A distant dream but where there's hope, there's a way and there's a will.


  1. Your blog speaks for the numerous IT geeks who flock to the erstwhile garden city with the big dreams in their eyes, only to get dejected by the plight they find themselves in... I have been lucky not be following that flock.
    Anyways, great blog !!! :)

  2. Hello. Hope you remember. Your replacement for Legal :)
    Nice Post. Always wondered those times how did you feel doing what you did. Now I got the answer after almost 4 yrs...
