Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dogs are pests, not pets!!!

Oh! How I cannot stand dogs!! But try as I might they still cross paths with me.
I woke up today morning praising God for a wonderful day. As I opened the door, to my utter dismay, I see three pairs of what used to be shoes but now were total garbage and a disgusting four legged pest chewing at my beloved beauties. Shooing it also did not help.But the damage was done. Three pairs of classy beautiful shoes bitten to shreds of leather. Oh! How I hate dogs and how I curse Maneka Gandhi. I had one mind to post that leather to her and demand for compensation. Maybe I would have made headlines and gotten a li'l publicity.

My neighbourhood is swarming with these dirty pests. We do not own or keep dogs but that does not prevent those monsters from coming into my territory to terrorise me. Why can't the owners tie them up in their own courtyards? If this had happened in the UK, I could sue the owners and buy maybe ten dozen of brands. But here in India, law does not only favour the rich, but also the dogs. My mum decided to complain to the owners, but hell, we need to find out who they are. But as the Bible says, " Do not throw your pearls before dogs, they will only turn and attack you". It's better we keep quiet. After all Maneka Gandhi and her followers (there are I believe 99% of dog lovers in this world) might just get a morcha to our door.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    You're welcome to have your opinion but you're in the minority.

    Dogs are friendly animals that offer unconditional love. They can sense fer.

    Try to make friends with one :)

    ps: why leave good leather shoes outside ?

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    next time try leaving yur old soft toy next to yur classy beautiful leather shoes
    i am sure they will go for the toy and yur classy beautiful leather shoes will not be chewed

  3. I agree 100% with all the sentiments expressed in the article!

    We don't own dogs either, but have to keep the gates closed at all times to prevent the wandering neighbourhood pe(s)ts from entering our garden.

    They ought to be shot, if you ask me..
