Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Aunv Berpatkar!!I see no evil!! I hear all evil!

Aunv Berpatkar!!I see no evil!! I hear all evil! What others do I do not question? Hence I do not stand against evil. So what do I do? I come out in large numbers to express solidarity. To what? Evil. Why should I? Money breathes. Money talks. Money power.

As a minute strand of the so called now famous kingdom of Betalbatim, I am pained at the happenings around me. Now whether you have 5 Gobi Fries (read GF) or 10, I do not care. But if one of them you eat, and then you deny and then you are poof, you do a magic act, I am not going to clap my hands and applaud. I rather stick to the FIFA for entertainment, than listen to a sorry tale about a person who 'b'eat a Gobi Fry.

I may be a Berpatkar. Just maybe you do the best charity in the world. Maybe charity to Berpatkars comes with a price of speech. But I am not dumb, neither am I deaf or blind.

Poked and pinched for being a passive Berpatkar against a mighty active one. But where do I stand. Where's the justice. When mighty strong, famous people are involved whether they just ogle at others Gobi Fries or snatch and eat them, or the Gobi Fries themselves are enticed to their plates, its just two or three months of gossip for Goans and then its over. When we needed to stand against SEZ or when asked to attend the gram sabha meetings, how many Berpatkars join in solidarity to stand against injustice. But you are ready to come out in large numbers to express solidarity for some person who does charity. Shame on you. No wonder being a Goan is not a big thing anymore.

I am ashamed. I am ashamed that I am a part of you. I am ashamed of being a Berpatkar.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post ma'm! :)

    See mine sometime...


